Für die Anfrage nach "University Press" gab es 134 Treffer:

Acta Jutlandica : teologisk serie
   Åarhus / Aarhus University Press

Atlas of global Christianity 1910-2010 (22/28708)
6.21JOH-1   Edinburgh / Edinburgh University Press, 2009

Book of Common Order of the Church of Scotland (71/3660)
5.13BOO-1   London / Oxford University Press, 1952

Current issues in theology
   Cambridge / Cambridge University Press

Edinburgh University Publications. Language & Literature
   Edinburgh / Edinburgh University Press

Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land (Vol. 2) (85/13669)
2.113ENG-2   London / Oxford University Press, 1976

Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land (Vol. 3) (81/13670)
2.113ENG-3   London / Oxford University Press, 1977

Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land (Vol. 4) (85/13671)
2.113ENG-4   London / Oxford University Press, 1978

Encyclopedia of the Dead Sea scrolls : volume 1 (A-M) (10/4886)
2.512SCHI-1   Oxford / Oxford University Press, 2000

Hē palaia diathēkē kata tous Hebdomēkonta : Genesis-Deuteronomion, Psaltērion (82/10800)
2.041SEP-3   London / Cambridge University Press, 1933-1938

How old is the Hebrew Bible? : A Linguistic, Textual, and Historical Study (23/28981)
2.1111HEN-1   Yale / Yale University Press, 2018

Islamic Surveys
   Edinburgh / Edinburgh University Press

Melchizedek, King of Sodom : how scribes inented the biblical Priest-King (19/28127)
2.122CAR-1   Oxford / Oxford University Press, 2019

Mercer Commentary on the Bibel : Volume 1: Pentateuch/Torah (12/25821)
2.301MER-1   Macon GA / Mercer University Press, 1998

Naturalism defeated? : essays on Plantinga´s evolutionary argument against naturalism (15/27198)
10.21JAM-1   Ithaca, NY / Cornell University Press, 2002

New Testament Studies
   Cambridge / Cambridge University Press

Oxford Bible atlas (87/15777)
2.003OXF-1   Oxford / Oxford University Press, 1985

Oxford Bible Atlas (12/25695)
2.001MAY-1   New York NY / Oxford University Press, 1985

Oxford Readings in Philosophical Theology : Volume 1: Trinity, Incarnation, and Atonement (13/26799)
3.01REA-2.1   Oxford / Oxford University Press, 2009

Oxford Readings in Philosophical Theology : Volume 2: Providence, Scripture, and Resurrection (13/26800)
3.01REA-2.2   Oxford / Oxford University Press, 2009

Philosophical Theology (13/26804)
3.01FLI-1   Oxford / Oxford University Press, 2009

Society for New Testament Studies. Monograph series
   London / Cambridge University Press

The Ancient Near East : Volume I - An Anthology of Texts and Pictures (09/24020)
2.113PRI-2.1   Princeton / Princeton University Press, 1973

The Ancient Near East : Volume II - An New Anthology of Texts and Pictures (09/24021)
2.113PRI-2.2   Princeton / Princeton University Press, 1975

The ancient near east in pictures : relating to the old testament ; consisting of supplementary materials for the Ancient Near East in Pictures and Ancient Near Eastern Texts (71/8191)
2.113PRI-2   Princton / Princeton University Press, 1969

The Book of Common Prayer : the texts of 1549,1559 and 1662 (20/28237)
5.13COM-1   Oxford / Oxford University Press, 2011

The books called Apocrypha (75/9275)
2.4APO-1   Oxford / University Press

The Cambridge Bible Commentary
   Cambridge / University Press

The Cambridge history of the Bible : the west from the Reformation to the present day (76/9538)
2.050GRE-1   Cambridge / University Press, 1963

The Holy Bible : containing the Old and New Testament: translated out of the original tongues: and with the former translations diligently compared and revised, by his majesty's special command ; appointed to be read in churches (71/824)
2.0512ENG-3   Oxford / University Press, 1890

The Holy Bible : containing the Old and New Testaments ; authorized version with a new system of connected topical references to all the greater themes of Scripture, with annotations, revised marginal renderings, summaries, definitions, chronology, and index, to which are added, helps at hard places, explanations of seeming discrepancies, and a new system of paragraphs (73/3017)
2.0512ENG-6   New York NY / Oxford University Press, 1945

The Holy Bible : the revised version with revised marginal references (73/850)
2.0512ENG-5   Oxford / University Press, 1903

The Jewish study Bible (11/24640)
2.0522ENG-1   Oxford / Oxford University Press, 2004

The Legacy of Islam (90/17404)
9.71LEG-1   Oxford / Oxford University Press, 1979

The new english Bible (73/3532)
2.0512ENG-4   New York NY / Oxford University Press, 1970

The new Oxford annotated Bible with the Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical books ; new revised standard version (92/18165)
2.0512MET-1   New York NY / Oxford University Press, 1989

The Oxford Handbook of Calvin and Calvinism (23/28978)
7.44GOR-1   Oxford / Oxford University Press, 2021

The oxford handbook of Mission Studies (22/28663)
6.1KIM-1   Oxford / Oxford University Press, 2022

The reception of the New Testament in the apostolic fathers (11/24644)
7.2GRE-1   Oxford / Oxford University Press, 2007

The two-source hypothesis : a critical appraisal (11/24645)
2.5112BEL-1   Mercer University Press, 1985

Worshipping together : a service book for schools and colleges (87/16221)
5.13WOR-1   London / Oxford University Press, 1954

Yale Near Eastern researches
   New Haven CT / Yale University Press

An intellectual history of Islam in India (90/17412)
9.74AHM-1   Ahmad, Aziz / Edinburgh / Edinburgh University Press, 1969

Micah : a new translation with introduction and commentary (11/24910)
2.2ANCB-24E   Andersen, Francis I. u.a. / New Haven CT / Yale University Press, 1990

Politica (12/26118)
10.22ARI-6   Aristoteles / Oxford/New York / Oxford University Press

Introduction to the Old Testament (15/27212)
2.1111ARN-1   Arnold, Bill T. / New York, NY / Cambridge University Press, 2014

The semantics of biblical language (81/9768)
2.022BAR-1   Barr, James / Oxford / Oxford University Press, 1978

Bell's introduction to the Qur'an (90/17398)
9.72BEL-3   Bell, Richard / Edinburgh / Edinburgh University Press, 1977

Introduction to the Qur'an (74/4812)
9.72BEL-4   Bell, Richard / Edinburgh / Edinburgh University Press, 1953

Zephaniah : a new translation with introduction and commentary (12/25875)
2.2ANCB-25A   Berlin, Adele / New Haven / Yale University Press, 2008

Created equal : how the Bible broke with ancient political thought (10/24530)
2.122BER-1   Berman, Joshua A. / New York NY / Oxford University Press, 2008

David, Saul, and God : rediscovering an ancient story (10/24467)
2.1112BOR-1   Borgman, Paul / New York NY / Oxford University Press, 2008

Introducing the Old Testament (91/18134)
2.1111COG-1   Coggins, Richard / Oxford / Oxford University Press, 1990

The Call of the Minaret (96/21380)
9.75CRA-1   Cragg, Kenneth / New York / Oxford University Press, 1956

The Mishnah : Translated from the Hebrew With Introduction and Brief Explanatory Notes (71/8312)
9.6DAN-1   Danby, Herbert / London / Oxford University Press, 1933

The book of Proverbs in social and theological context (07/23528)
2.313DEL-1   Dell, Katharine J. / Cambridge / Cambridge University Press, 2006

Historical tradition in the fourth gospel (86/15672)
2.5113DOD-1   Dodd, Charles Harold / Cambridge / Cambridge University Press, 1965

The interpretation of the fourth gospel (86/15323)
2.522DOD-3   Dodd, Charles Harold / Cambridge / Cambridge University Press, 1972

Handbook of biblical chronology : principles of time reckoning in the ancient world and problems of chronology in the bible (71/7482)
2.1112FIN-2   Finegan, Jack / Princeton NJ / Princeton University Press, 1964

The Bible as literature : an introduction (08/23720)
2.061GAB-1   Gabel, John B. u.a. / Oxford / Oxford University Press, 1986

The Bible as literature : an introduction (12/26181)
2.061GAB-2   Gabel, John B. u.a. / New York NY / Oxford University Press, 2000

Mohammedanism (71/1809)
9.71GIB-1   Gibb, Hamilton Alexander Rosskeen / London / Oxford University Press, 1953

The Poems and Psalms of the Hebrew Bible (23/29184)
2.312GIL-1   Gillingham, S.E. / Oxford / Oxford University Press, 1994

A study in the text of Lamentations (80/8925)
2.318GOT-1   Gottlieb, Hans / Åarhus / Aarhus University Press, 1978

The New English Bible : companion to the New Testament (86/15681)
2.6HAR-1   Harvey, Anthony Ernest / Cambridge / Oxford University Press, 1970

Atlas of Islam history (71/1398)
9.76HAZ-1   Hazard, Harry W. / Princeton NJ / Princeton University Press, 1952

Eternal God : a study of God without time (13/26803)
10.22HEL-2   Helm, Paul / Oxford / Oxford University Press, 2010

Akhenaten and the Origins of Monotheism (15/27249)
2.113HOF-1   Hoffmeier, James K. / New York, NY / Oxford University Press, 2015

Ancient Israel in Sinai : The Evidence for the Authenticity of the Wilderness Tradition (15/27251)
2.113HOF-2   Hoffmeier, James K. / New York, NY / Oxford University Press, 2005

Israel in Egypt : the Evidence for the Authenticity of the Exodus Tradition (04/23221)
2.1112HOF-1   Hoffmeier, James K. / New York / Oxford University Press, 1996

The Ten Commandments : Monuments of Memory, Belief, and Interpretation (24/29288)
2.112HOG-1   Hogue, Timothy S. / Cambridge / Cambridge University Press, 2023

The patriarchs of Israel (71/7397)
2.112HOL-1   Holt, John Marshall / Nashville / Vanderbilt University Press, 1964

The eucharist and ecumenism : let us keep the feast (10/24365)
3.83HUN-1   Hunsinger, George / Cambridge / Cambridge University Press, 2008

Church planting in post-christan soil : theology and Practice (21/28515)
5.44JAM-1   James, Christopher B. / New York / Oxford University Press, 2018

The first and second Letters to Timothy (14/27058)
2.6ARB-13   Johnson, Luke Timothy / New Haven / Yale University Press, 2001

The purpose of the biblical genealogies with special reference to the setting of the genealogies of Jesus (92/18371)
2.122JOH-1   Johnson, Marshall Duane / London / Cambridge University Press, 1969

The Presocratic Philosophers : a critical history with a selection of texts (03/9287)
10.21KIR-1   Kirk, Geoffrey Stephen u.a. / Cambridge / Cambridge University Press, 1975

Some new light on the Asiatic wars of Ramesses II (74/9230)
2.113KIT-4   Kitchen, Kenneth A. / Oxford / Oxford University Press, 1964

The Israel of God in Prophecy : Principles of Prophetic Interpretation (95/20742)
3.6LAR-2   LaRondelle, Hans K. / Berrien Springs / Andrews University Press, 1983

Numbers 1-20 : a new translation with introduction and commentary (12/25873)
2.2ANCB-4A   Levine, Baruch A. / New Haven / Yale University Press, 2008

The Holy Spirit before Christianity (20/28317)
2.122LEV-2   Levison, John R. / Waco / Baylor University Press, 2019

The social structure of Islam (74/4794)
9.74LEV-1   Levy, Reuben / Cambridge / Cambridge University Press, 1971

Glaube - Gemeinde - Amt : zum Verständnis der Ordination in den Pastoralbriefen (13/26420)
2.522LIP-1   Lips, Hermann von / Göttingen / Vanderbilt University Press, 1979

Shepherdology : a master plan for church leadership (93/20134)
5.41MAC-1   MacArthur, John F. / Oxford / Oxford University Press, 1989

On the Ego and on God : Further Cartesian Questions (14/27065)
10.22MAR-5   Marion, Jean-Luc / New York / Fordham University Press, 2007

I Samuel : a new translation with introduction, notes and commentary (12/25140)
2.2ANCB-8   McCarter, P. Kyle / New Haven / Yale University Press, 2010

II Samuel : a new translation with introduction, notes and commentary (12/25141)
2.2ANCB-9   McCarter, P. Kyle / New Haven / Yale University Press, 2010

The blood of Abel : the violent plot in the Hebrew Bible (11/24829)
2.122MCE-1   McEntire, Mark / Macon GA / Mercer University Press, 1999

The making of the Old Testament (12/25553)
2.113MEL-1   Mellor, Enid B. / Cambridge / University Press, 1972

The text of the new testament : its transmission, corruption, and restoration (98/22786)
2.0402MET-1   Metzger, Bruce M. / Oxford / Oxford University Press, 1992

The text of the New Testament : its transmission, corruption, and restoration (11/24971)
2.0402MET-1ed2   Metzger, Bruce M. u.a. / New York NY / Oxford University Press, 2005

An Introduction to the Apocrypha (81/9917)
2.4MET-1   Metzger, Brude M. / New York / Oxford University Press, 1980

Haggai, Zechariah 1-8 : a new translation with introduction and commentary (12/25876)
2.2ANCB-25B   Meyers, Carol L. u.a. / New Haven / Yale University Press, 1987

Zechariah 9-14 : a new translation with introduction and commentary (12/25879)
2.2ANCB-25C+1   Meyers, Carol L. u.a. / New Haven / Yale University Press, 1993

Charismatic religion in modern research : a bibliography (97/21821)
8.3CHA-28   Mills, Watson E. / Macon / Mercer University Press, 1985

Wrestling with rationality in Paul : Romans 1-8 in a new perspective (11/24796)
2.522MOO-1   Moores, John D. / Cambridge / Cambridge University Press, 1995

The Minor Agreements : In a Horizontal-Line Synopsis (09/24140)
2.5113NEI-1   Neirynck, Frans / Leuven / Leuven University Press, 1991

The Minor Agreements of Matthew and Luke against Mark : with a cumulative list (09/24144)
2.5113NEI-2   Neirynck, Frans / Leuven / Leuven University Press, 1974

The second Isaiah (86/15304)
2.316NOR-1   North, Christopher R. / Oxford / Oxford University Press, 1964

The order of the Synoptics : why three Synoptic Gospels? (10/15898)
2.522ORC-1   Orchard, Bernard u.a. / Macon GA / Mercer University Press, 1988

The order of the synoptics : why tree synoptic gospels? (11/24660)
2.5113ORC-1   Orchard, Bernard u.a. / Macon GA / Mercer University Press, 1988

Yahweh: the divine name in the Bible (76/9569)
3.11PAR-1   Parke-Taylor, Geoffrey H. / Waterloo ON / Wilfried Laurier University Press, 1975

Israel : its life and culture I-II (71/7459)
2.112PED-1   Pedersen, Johannes / London / Oxford University Press, 1926

God and other minds : a study of the rational justification of belief in God (15/27175)
10.22PLA-28   Plantinga, Alvin / Ithaca, NY / University Press, 1990

Warrant : the current debate (15/27192)
10.22PLA-29   Plantinga, Alvin / Oxford / Oxford University Press, 1993

Warrant and proper function (15/27191)
10.22PLA-30   Plantinga, Alvin / Oxford / Oxford University Press, 1993

Warranted Christian Belief (13/26805)
3.91PLA-1   Plantinga, Alvin / Oxford / Oxford University Press, 2000

Where the conflict really lies : Science, Religion, and Naturalism (13/26806)
3.91PLA-2   Plantinga, Alvin / Oxford / Oxford University Press, 2011

Where the Conflict really lies : Science, Religion, and Naturalism (15/27328)
3.92PLA-2   Plantinga, Alvin / Oxford University Press, 2011

The Gospel according to St. John (84/12511)
2.704PLU-1   Plummer, Alfred / Cambridge / Cambridge University Press, 1938

Song of Songs : a new translation with introduction and commentary (12/25874)
2.2ANCB-7C   Pope, Marvin H. / New Haven / Yale University Press, 1977

The ancient near east in pictures : relating to the old testament (74/4344)
2.113PRI-1ed3   Pritchard, James B. / Princton / Princeton University Press, 1969

The ancient near east in pictures : relating to the old testament (74/4345)
2.113PRI-1   Pritchard, James B. / Princton / Princeton University Press, 1969

Indian philosophy : volume 1 (19/28047)
9.41RAD-1   Radhakrishnan, S. / Delhi / Oxford University Press, 1989

Indian philosophy : volume 2 (19/28048)
9.41RAD-2   Radhakrishnan, S. / Delhi / Oxford University Press, 1989

The Dhammapada : with introductory essays Pali text, english translation and notes (74/4416)
9.42RAD-1   Radhakrishnan, Sarvepali / London / Oxford University Press, 1968

Multikulturelle Teams : Risiken und Chancen (01/23069)
6.1ROE-1   Roembke, Lianne / Giessen / Cambridge University Press, 2000

Profiling Jewish Literature in Antiquity : An Inventory, from Second Temple Texts to the Talmuds (14/26924)
9.6SAM-1   Samely, Alexander / Oxford / Oxford University Press, 2013

The Finger of the Scribe : How Scribes Learned to Write the Bible (22/28616)
2.113SCHN-1   Schniedewind, William M. / New York / Oxford University Press, 2019

The text of the seven plays (85/14253)
10.14SOP-2   Sophocles / Cambridge / Cambridge University Press, 1906

The poetics of biblical narrative : ideological literature and the drama of reading (08/23893)
2.061STE-1   Sternberg, Meir / Bloomington / Indiana University Press, 1985

A rerading of Romans : justice, jews, and gentiles (11/24790)
2.706STO-3   Stowers, Stanley K. / London / Yale University Press, 1994

Sources of the Self : the Making of the Modern Identity (14/26882)
10.22TAY-1   Taylor, Charles / Cambridge / Cambridge University Press, 1989

The divine hours : pocket edition (21/28562)
4.31TIC-1   Tickle, Phyllis / New York / Oxford University Press, 2007

God and Rationality (84/12462)
3.02TOR-1   Torrance, Thomas F. / London / Oxford University Press, 1971

The Sufi orders in Islam (74/4554)
9.72TRI-1   Trimingham, J. Spencer / London / Oxford University Press, 1973

Word and Supplement : Speech Acts, Biblical Texts, and the Sufficiency of Scripture (23/29180)
2.011WAR-2   Ward, Timothy / Oxford / Oxford University Press

Islamic Philosophy and Theology (74/4813)
9.72WAT-2   Watt, William Montgomery / Edingburgh / Edinburgh University Press, 1967

The formative period of Islamic thought (74/4557)
9.72WAT-1   Watt, William Montgomery / Edingburgh / Edinburgh University Press, 1973

The influence of Islam on medieval Europe (74/4555)
9.73WAT-1   Watt, William Montgomery / Edinburgh / Edinburgh University Press, 1972

Deuteronomy 1-11 : a new translation with introduction and commentary (12/25878)
2.2ANCB-5   Weinfeld, Moshe / New Haven / Yale University Press, 2008

Pseudonymity, the New Testament, and deception : an inquiry into intention and reception (11/24940)
2.8WIL-1   Wilder, Terry L. / Lanham MD / University Press, 2004

Genealogy and history in the Biblical world (92/18354)
2.122WIL-1   Wilson, Robert R. / New Haven CT / Yale University Press, 1977

Divine discourse : philosophical reflections on the claim that God speaks (15/27196)
10.22WOL-2   Wolterstorff, Nicholas / Cambridge / Cambridge University Press, 1995