Für die Anfrage nach "Oxford University" gab es 64 Treffer:

Book of Common Order of the Church of Scotland (71/3660)
5.13BOO-1   London / Oxford University Press, 1952

Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land (Vol. 2) (85/13669)
2.113ENG-2   London / Oxford University Press, 1976

Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land (Vol. 3) (81/13670)
2.113ENG-3   London / Oxford University Press, 1977

Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land (Vol. 4) (85/13671)
2.113ENG-4   London / Oxford University Press, 1978

Encyclopedia of the Dead Sea scrolls : volume 1 (A-M) (10/4886)
2.512SCHI-1   Oxford / Oxford University Press, 2000

Melchizedek, King of Sodom : how scribes inented the biblical Priest-King (19/28127)
2.122CAR-1   Oxford / Oxford University Press, 2019

Oxford Bible atlas (87/15777)
2.003OXF-1   Oxford / Oxford University Press, 1985

Oxford Bible Atlas (12/25695)
2.001MAY-1   New York NY / Oxford University Press, 1985

Oxford Readings in Philosophical Theology : Volume 1: Trinity, Incarnation, and Atonement (13/26799)
3.01REA-2.1   Oxford / Oxford University Press, 2009

Oxford Readings in Philosophical Theology : Volume 2: Providence, Scripture, and Resurrection (13/26800)
3.01REA-2.2   Oxford / Oxford University Press, 2009

Philosophical Theology (13/26804)
3.01FLI-1   Oxford / Oxford University Press, 2009

The Book of Common Prayer : the texts of 1549,1559 and 1662 (20/28237)
5.13COM-1   Oxford / Oxford University Press, 2011

The Holy Bible : containing the Old and New Testaments ; authorized version with a new system of connected topical references to all the greater themes of Scripture, with annotations, revised marginal renderings, summaries, definitions, chronology, and index, to which are added, helps at hard places, explanations of seeming discrepancies, and a new system of paragraphs (73/3017)
2.0512ENG-6   New York NY / Oxford University Press, 1945

The Jewish study Bible (11/24640)
2.0522ENG-1   Oxford / Oxford University Press, 2004

The Legacy of Islam (90/17404)
9.71LEG-1   Oxford / Oxford University Press, 1979

The new english Bible (73/3532)
2.0512ENG-4   New York NY / Oxford University Press, 1970

The new Oxford annotated Bible with the Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical books ; new revised standard version (92/18165)
2.0512MET-1   New York NY / Oxford University Press, 1989

The Oxford Handbook of Calvin and Calvinism (23/28978)
7.44GOR-1   Oxford / Oxford University Press, 2021

The oxford handbook of Mission Studies (22/28663)
6.1KIM-1   Oxford / Oxford University Press, 2022

The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Religion (18/27762)
9.1WAI-1   Oxford / Oxford University, 2007

The reception of the New Testament in the apostolic fathers (11/24644)
7.2GRE-1   Oxford / Oxford University Press, 2007

Worshipping together : a service book for schools and colleges (87/16221)
5.13WOR-1   London / Oxford University Press, 1954

Politica (12/26118)
10.22ARI-6   Aristoteles / Oxford/New York / Oxford University Press

The semantics of biblical language (81/9768)
2.022BAR-1   Barr, James / Oxford / Oxford University Press, 1978

Inconsistency in the Torah : Ancient Literary Convention and the Limits of Source Criticism (17/27726)
2.522BER-3   Berman, Joshua / Oxford / Oxford University, 2017

Created equal : how the Bible broke with ancient political thought (10/24530)
2.122BER-1   Berman, Joshua A. / New York NY / Oxford University Press, 2008

David, Saul, and God : rediscovering an ancient story (10/24467)
2.1112BOR-1   Borgman, Paul / New York NY / Oxford University Press, 2008

Writing on the Tablet of the Heart : Origins of Scripture and Literature (16/27488)
2.012CAR-1   Carr, David M. / Oxford / Oxford University, 2009

Introducing the Old Testament (91/18134)
2.1111COG-1   Coggins, Richard / Oxford / Oxford University Press, 1990

The Call of the Minaret (96/21380)
9.75CRA-1   Cragg, Kenneth / New York / Oxford University Press, 1956

The Mishnah : Translated from the Hebrew With Introduction and Brief Explanatory Notes (71/8312)
9.6DAN-1   Danby, Herbert / London / Oxford University Press, 1933

The Bible as literature : an introduction (08/23720)
2.061GAB-1   Gabel, John B. u.a. / Oxford / Oxford University Press, 1986

The Bible as literature : an introduction (12/26181)
2.061GAB-2   Gabel, John B. u.a. / New York NY / Oxford University Press, 2000

Mohammedanism (71/1809)
9.71GIB-1   Gibb, Hamilton Alexander Rosskeen / London / Oxford University Press, 1953

The Poems and Psalms of the Hebrew Bible (23/29184)
2.312GIL-1   Gillingham, S.E. / Oxford / Oxford University Press, 1994

The New English Bible : companion to the New Testament (86/15681)
2.6HAR-1   Harvey, Anthony Ernest / Cambridge / Oxford University Press, 1970

Eternal God : a study of God without time (13/26803)
10.22HEL-2   Helm, Paul / Oxford / Oxford University Press, 2010

Akhenaten and the Origins of Monotheism (15/27249)
2.113HOF-1   Hoffmeier, James K. / New York, NY / Oxford University Press, 2015

Ancient Israel in Sinai : The Evidence for the Authenticity of the Wilderness Tradition (15/27251)
2.113HOF-2   Hoffmeier, James K. / New York, NY / Oxford University Press, 2005

Israel in Egypt : the Evidence for the Authenticity of the Exodus Tradition (04/23221)
2.1112HOF-1   Hoffmeier, James K. / New York / Oxford University Press, 1996

Church planting in post-christan soil : theology and Practice (21/28515)
5.44JAM-1   James, Christopher B. / New York / Oxford University Press, 2018

Some new light on the Asiatic wars of Ramesses II (74/9230)
2.113KIT-4   Kitchen, Kenneth A. / Oxford / Oxford University Press, 1964

Shepherdology : a master plan for church leadership (93/20134)
5.41MAC-1   MacArthur, John F. / Oxford / Oxford University Press, 1989

Before the Scrolls : A Material Approach to Israel's Prophetic Library (24/299370)
2.113MAS-2   Mastnjak, Nathan / New York / Oxford University Press, 2023

The text of the new testament : its transmission, corruption, and restoration (98/22786)
2.0402MET-1   Metzger, Bruce M. / Oxford / Oxford University Press, 1992

The text of the New Testament : its transmission, corruption, and restoration (11/24971)
2.0402MET-1ed2   Metzger, Bruce M. u.a. / New York NY / Oxford University Press, 2005

An Introduction to the Apocrypha (81/9917)
2.4MET-1   Metzger, Brude M. / New York / Oxford University Press, 1980

The second Isaiah (86/15304)
2.316NOR-1   North, Christopher R. / Oxford / Oxford University Press, 1964

Israel : its life and culture I-II (71/7459)
2.112PED-1   Pedersen, Johannes / London / Oxford University Press, 1926

Warrant : the current debate (15/27192)
10.22PLA-29   Plantinga, Alvin / Oxford / Oxford University Press, 1993

Warrant and proper function (15/27191)
10.22PLA-30   Plantinga, Alvin / Oxford / Oxford University Press, 1993

Warranted Christian Belief (13/26805)
3.91PLA-1   Plantinga, Alvin / Oxford / Oxford University Press, 2000

Where the conflict really lies : Science, Religion, and Naturalism (13/26806)
3.91PLA-2   Plantinga, Alvin / Oxford / Oxford University Press, 2011

Where the Conflict really lies : Science, Religion, and Naturalism (15/27328)
3.92PLA-2   Plantinga, Alvin / Oxford University Press, 2011

Indian philosophy : volume 1 (19/28047)
9.41RAD-1   Radhakrishnan, S. / Delhi / Oxford University Press, 1989

Indian philosophy : volume 2 (19/28048)
9.41RAD-2   Radhakrishnan, S. / Delhi / Oxford University Press, 1989

The Dhammapada : with introductory essays Pali text, english translation and notes (74/4416)
9.42RAD-1   Radhakrishnan, Sarvepali / London / Oxford University Press, 1968

Profiling Jewish Literature in Antiquity : An Inventory, from Second Temple Texts to the Talmuds (14/26924)
9.6SAM-1   Samely, Alexander / Oxford / Oxford University Press, 2013

The Finger of the Scribe : How Scribes Learned to Write the Bible (22/28616)
2.113SCHN-1   Schniedewind, William M. / New York / Oxford University Press, 2019

Was Jesus God? (17/27654)
3.91SWI-2   Swinburne, Richard / Oxford / Oxford University, 2010

The divine hours : pocket edition (21/28562)
4.31TIC-1   Tickle, Phyllis / New York / Oxford University Press, 2007

God and Rationality (84/12462)
3.02TOR-1   Torrance, Thomas F. / London / Oxford University Press, 1971

The Sufi orders in Islam (74/4554)
9.72TRI-1   Trimingham, J. Spencer / London / Oxford University Press, 1973

Word and Supplement : Speech Acts, Biblical Texts, and the Sufficiency of Scripture (23/29180)
2.011WAR-2   Ward, Timothy / Oxford / Oxford University Press