Für die Anfrage nach "Fortress" gab es 34 Treffer:
Christian origins and the question of God
Minneapolis MN / Fortress
Common Judaism : explorations in Second-Temple Judaism (12/26069)
2.512MCC-1 Minneapolis MN / Fortress, 2008
Early Judaism and its modern interpreters : edited by Robert A. Kraft and George W. E. Nickelsburg (89/16906)
2.512KRA-1 Philadelphia / Fortress, 1986
Hermeneia - a Critical and Historical Commentary on the Bible
Philadelphia PA / Fortress
Contours of Old Testament Theology (07/23529)
2.121AND-1 Anderson, Bernhard W. / Minneapolis MN / Fortress Press, 1999
Galatians : a commentary on Paul's letter to the churches in Galatia (11/24800)
2.708BET-1 Betz, Hans Dieter / Philadelphia PA / Fortress, 1979
The Sermon on the Mount : a commentary on the Sermon on the Mount, including the Sermon on the Plain (Matthew 5:3-7:27 and Luke 6:20-49) (14/27060)
2.61BET-1 Betz, Hans Dieter / Minneapolis / Fortress, 1995
Jewish and Pauline studies (11/24699)
2.522DAV-1 Davies, William David / Philadelphia PA / Fortress, 1984
The New Testament canon : its making and meaning (11/24952)
2.012GAM-1 Gamble, Harry Y. / Philadelphia PA / Fortress, 1985
Literary criticism of the Old Testament (81/10027)
2.062HAB-1 Habel, Norman C. / Philadelphia / Fortress Press, 1979
Textual criticism of the Old Testament : the Septuagint after Qumran (81/10028)
2.0401KLE-1 Klein, Ralph W. / Philadelphia PA / Fortress Press, 1978
the Historical - Critical Method (81/10029)
2.061KRE-1 Krentz, Edgar / Philadelphia / Fortress Press, 1979
What is mission? : theological explorations (13/26413)
6.1KIR-1 Krik, J. Andrew / Minneapolis MN / Fortress, 2000
The Old Testament and the archaeologist (12/25604)
2.113LAN-3 Lance, H. Darrell / Philadelphia PA / Fortress, 1986
The Old Testament and the historian (81/10304)
2.062MIL-1 Miller, J. Maxwell / Philadelphia PA / Fortress, 1976
the Old Testament and the Historian (81/10031)
2.1112MIL-1 Miller, Maxwell / Philadelphia / Fortress Press, 1976
Christ & Israel : an Interpretation of Romans 9-11 (12/26253)
2.706MUN-1 Munck, Johannes / Philadelphia PA / Fortress, 1967
Jewish Literature between the Bible and the Mishnah (81/10025)
2.4NIC-1 Nickelsburg, George W.E. / Philadelphia / Fortress Press, 1981
Reconstructing Old Testament theology : after the collapse of history (09/24305)
2.121PER-1 Perdue, Leo G. / Minneapolis MN / Fortress, 2005
John's Use of Ezekiel : Understanding the Unique Perspective of the Fourth Gospel (17/27697)
2.704PET-1 Peterson, Brian Neil / Mineapolis (MN) / Fortress, 2015
Tradition History and the Old Testament (81/10032)
2.062RAS-1 Rast, Walter E. / Philadelphia / Fortress Press, 1978
The Old Testament and the Literary Chritic (81/10033)
2.062ROB-1 Robertson, David / Philadelphia / Fortress Press, 1977
Paul, the law, and the Jewish people (11/24698)
2.522SAN-2 Sanders, Ed Parish / Minneapolis MN / Fortress, 1985
Paul: Apostle to the Nations : An Introduction (14/26971)
2.5112TAY-1 Taylor Jr., Walter F. / Minneapolis / Fortress Press, 2012
Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible : Revised and Expanded Fourth Edition (24/29291)
2.0401TOV-2 Tov, Emanuel / Minneapolis / Fortress, 2022
From Criticism of the Old Testament (81/10034)
2.062TUC-1 Tucker, Gene M. / Philadelphia / Fortress Press, 1979
The Dead Sea Scrolls : Qumran in Perspective (81/10026)
2.512VER-1 Vermes, Geza / Philadelphia / Fortress Press, 1981
Pax Romana : and the Peace of Jesus Christ (94/20418)
2.522WEN-5 Wengst, Klaus / Philadelphia / Fortress, 1987
The resurrection of the son of god (12/26196)
3.2WRI-2 Wright, N.T. / Minneapolis MN / Fortress, 2003
Paul and the faithfulness of God : Book I: Parts I and II (14/26836)
2.522WRI-8 Wright, Nicholas T. / Minneapolis MN / Fortress, 2013
Paul and the faithfulness of God : Book II: Parts III and IV (14/26835)
2.522WRI-9 Wright, Nicholas T. / Minneapolis MN / Fortress, 2013
Paul: in fresh perspective (11/24708)
2.522WRI-1 Wright, Nicholas T. / Minneapolis MN / Fortress, 2005
The climax of the covenant : Christ and the law in Pauline theology (11/24801)
2.522WRI-6 Wright, Nicholas T. / Minneapolis MN / Fortress, 1993
The New Testament and the people of God (11/24798)
2.522WRI-5 Wright, Nicholas T. / Minneapolis MN / Fortress, 1992