Für die Anfrage nach "Clarendon" gab es 28 Treffer:
A Hebrew and English lexicon of the Old Testament : with an appendix containing the Biblical Aramaic ; based on the lexicon of William Gesenius (76/6602)
2.021BRO-1 Oxford / Clarendon, 1975
A patristic Greek lexicon (85/14436)
2.031LAM-1 Oxford / Clarendon, 1976
Archaeology and Old Testament Study : Jubilee Volume of the Society for Old Testament Study 1917-1967 (71/8750)
2.113THO-4 Oxford / Clarendon, 1967
Peoples of Old Testament times (76/9527)
2.113WIS-1 Oxford / Clarendon, 1975
The old Testament and modern study : a generation of discovery and research (80/8680)
2.1112ROW-1 Oxford / Clarendon, 1951
Xenophontis opera omnia : Tomus I : Historia Graeca (80/9163)
10.322XEN-1 Marchant, E. C. / Oxonii / Clarendon, 1961
A Greek-English Lexicon (85/14431)
2.031LID-1 McKenzie, Roderick / Oxford / Clarendon, 1953
Comparative Philology and the text of the Old Testament (75/9273)
2.062BAR-4 Barr, James / Oxford / Clarendon, 1968
Orationes VI : Pro Tullio, pro Fonteio, pro Sulia, pro Archia, pro Plancio, pro Scauro (85/14290)
10.22CIC-10 Cicero, Marcus Tullius / Oxonii / Clarendon, 1960
Orationes III : Divinatio in Q.Caeculium. In C. Verrem. (85/14289)
10.22CIC-9 Cicero, Marcus Tullius / Oxonii / Clarendon, 1960
A treatise on the use of the tenses in Hebrew and some ohter syntactical questions (71/8514)
2.022DRI-1 Driver, Samuel Rolles / Oxford / Clarendon, 1892
Gesenius' Hebrew grammar (77/6992)
2.022GES-1 Gesenius, Wilhelm / Oxford / Clarendon, 1976
Horae synopticae : contributions to the study of the synoptic problem (11/24662)
2.5113HAW-1 Hawkins, John C. / Oxford / Clarendon, 1968
Value and capital : an inquiry into some fundamental principles of economic theory (11/24859)
10.42HIC-1 Hicks, John R. / Oxford / Clarendon, 1991
A Greek-English Lexicon : with a supplement (78/7132)
2.031LID-1.1977 Liddell, Henry George u.a. / Oxford / Clarendon, 1977
The canon of the New Testament : it's origin, development, and significance (11/24946)
2.012MET-1 Metzger, Bruce M. / Oxford / Clarendon, 1997
The early versions of the New Testament : the origin, transmission, and limitations (78/7399)
2.0402MET-5 Metzger, Bruce M. / Oxford / Clarendon, 1977
The Pentateuch in the twentieth century : the legacy of Julius Wellhausen (99/22947)
2.1112NIC-1 Nicholson, Ernest / Oxford / Clarendon, 1998
Platonis Res Publica (85/14311)
10.22PLA-8 Platon / Oxonii / Clarendon, 1958
Record and revelation : essays on the Old Testament by members of the Society for Old Testament Study (71/8446)
2.002ROB-1 Robinson, H. Wheeler / Oxford / Clarendon, 1938
Faith and Reason (17/27618)
3.91SWI-1 Swinburne, Richard / Oxford / Clarendon, 2005
The resurrection of God incarnate (15/27125)
10.22SWI-1 Swinburne, Richard / Oxford / Clarendon, 2010
Islam in East Africa (74/4713)
9.74TRI-1 Trimingham, J. Spencer / Oxford / Clarendon, 1971
Islam in West Africa (74/4553)
9.74TRI-2 Trimingham, J. Spencer / Oxford / Clarendon, 1987
Greek papyri : an introduction (86/15205)
2.0402TUR-1 Turner, Eric Gardiner / Oxford / Clarendon, 1968
Muhammad at Mecca (96/21180)
9.76WAT-1 Watt, W. Montgomery / Oxford / Clarendon, 1972
Muhammad at Medina (96/21181)
9.76WAT-2 Watt, W. Montgomery / Oxford / Clarendon, 1972
A practical grammar for classical Hebrew (71/8539)
2.022WEI-1 Weingreen, Jacob / Oxford / Clarendon, 1969