Für die Anfrage nach "Academie Books" gab es 8 Treffer:

Bible and Literature Series
   Decatur GA / Academie Books

From Sabbath to Lord's day : a biblical, historical and theological investigation (87/16319)
2.522CAR-1   Grand Rapids MI / Academie Books, 1986

Contending with Christianity's Critics : answering New Atheists & Other Objectors (20/28280)
3.91CRA-2   Craig, William Lane / Nashville / Academie Books, 2009

Communicating Christ cross-culturally (90/17513)
6.1HES-5   Hesselgrave, David / Grand Rapids MI / Academie Books, 1978

A Practical Theology of Spirituality (95/20743)
4.22RIC-1   Richards, Lawrence O. / Grand Rapids / Academie Books, 1987

Biblical words an their meaning: an introduction to lexical semantics (84/12613)
2.021SIL-1   Silva, Moisés / Grand Rapids MI / Academie Books, 1983

Simon Peter : from Galilee to Rome (92/18392)
2.5113THI-3   Thiede, Carsten Peter / Grand Rapids MI / Academie Books, 1988

Interpreting Isaiah : the suffering and glory of the Messiah (12/25736)
2.316WOL-3   Wolf, Herbert M. / Grand Rapids MI / Academie Books, 1985