Für die Anfrage nach "Lawrence Paul J.N." gab es 3 Treffer:

Treaty, Law and Covenant in the Ancient Near East : Part 1: The texts (13/26453)
2.113KIT-11.1   Kichten, Kenneth A. u.a. / Wiesbaden / Harrassowitz, 2012

Treaty, Law and Covenant in the Ancient Near East : Part 2: Text, Notes and Chromograms (13/26454)
2.113KIT-11.2   Kichten, Kenneth A. u.a. / Wiesbaden / Harrassowitz, 2012

Treaty, Law and Covenant in the Ancient Near East : Part 3: Overall historical survey (13/26455)
2.113KIT-11.3   Kichten, Kenneth A. u.a. / Wiesbaden / Harrassowitz, 2012