Für die Anfrage nach "Green, Jay" gab es 5 Treffer:

The interlinear Greek-English New Testament : with Strong's concordance numbers above each word (00/17816)
2.042GRE-4   Lafayette IN / Associated Publishers and Authors, 1984

The interlinear Hebrew/Greek/English Bible : volume four (the New Testament) (80/8223)
2.042GRE-3   Lafayette IN / Associated Publishers and Authors, 1979

The interlinear Hebrew/Greek/English Bible : volume one (Genesis-Ruth) (81/10273)
2.041GRE-1   Wilmington DE / Associated Publishers and Authors, 1976

The interlinear Hebrew/Greek/English Bible : volume three (Psalm 56-Malachi) (81/10275)
2.041GRE-3   Wilmington DE / Associated Publishers and Authors, 1978

The interlinear Hebrew/Greek/English Bible : volume two (I Samuel-Psalms) (81/10274)
2.041GRE-2   Wilmington DE / Associated Publishers and Authors, 1976