Für die Anfrage nach "Dunn, James D.G." gab es 6 Treffer:

Jesus, Paul and the law : studies in Mark an Galatians (11/24710)
2.522DUN-2   Dunn, James D.G. / London / SPCK, 1990

Paul and the Mosaic Law (12/26048)
2.522DUN-4   Dunn, James D.G. / Grand Rapids MI / Eerdmans, 2001

Romans 1-8 (00/22964)
2.6WOR-6.1   Dunn, James D.G. / Dallas TX / Word Books, 1988

Romans 9-16 (00/22965)
2.6WOR-6.2   Dunn, James D.G. / Dallas TX / Word Books, 1988

The new perspective on Paul (11/24789)
2.522DUN-1   Dunn, James D.G. / Grand Rapids MI / Eerdmans, 2005

The theology of Paul the apostle (11/24797)
2.522DUN-3   Dunn, James D.G. / Grand Rapids MI / Eerdmans, 1998