Für die Anfrage nach "Bromiley, Geoffrey W." gab es 4 Treffer:

The international standard Bible encyclopedia (79/8109)
2.001ISBE   Harrison, Everett F. u.a. / Grand Rapids MI / Eerdmans, 1979-1988

The evangelical faith : Volume One: Prolegomena (the relation of Theology to modern tought-forms (12/25910)
3.01THI-7.1   Thielicke, Helmut / Edinburgh / T&T Clark, 1997

The evangelical faith : Volume Three: Theology of the Spirit (12/25925)
3.01THI-7.3   Thielicke, Helmut / Edinburgh / T&T Clark, 1997

The evangelical faith : Volume Two: The doctrine of God and Christ (12/25924)
3.01THI-7.2   Thielicke, Helmut / Edinburgh / T&T Clark, 1997