Für die Anfrage nach "Alexander, T. Desmond" gab es 4 Treffer:
Dictionary of the Old Testament: Pentateuch (06/23366)
2.001DOT-1 Downers Grove IL / Inter-Varsity Press, 2005
From Paradise to the Promised Land : An Introduction To The Pentateuch (14/26976)
2.122ALE-1 Alexander, T. Desmond / Grand Rapids / Baker Academic, 2012
The City of God and the goal of Creation (21/28457)
2.522SBT-5 Alexander, T. Desmond / Wheaton / Crossway, 2018
Joshua : Evangelical Biblical Theology Commentary (EBTC) (24/29447)
2.302EBTC-1 Firth, David G. / Bellingham / Lexham Academic, 2021