Für die Anfrage nach "Downers Grove IL" gab es 58 Treffer:

Dictionary of the later New Testament & its developments (10/14328)
2.001MAR-1   Downers Grove IL / Inter-Varsity Press, 2003

Dictionary of the Old Testament: Historical Books (06/23367)
2.001DOT-2   Downers Grove IL / Inter-Varsity Press, 2005

Dictionary of the Old Testament: Pentateuch (06/23366)
2.001DOT-1   Downers Grove IL / Inter-Varsity Press, 2005

Foundations of the Christian Faith
   Downers Grove IL / Inter-Varsity Press

Interpreting Deuteronomy : issues and approaches (13/26771)
2.122FIR-2   Downers Grove IL / IVP Academic, 2012

Issues in contemporary theology
   Downers Grove IL / Inter-Varsity Press

Men's manual : Volume II (89/16908)
5.61MEN-2   Downers Grove IL / Institute in basic youth conflicts, 1988

New Studies in Biblical Theology (NSBT)
   Downers Grove IL / Inter-Varsity

The IVP New Testament Commentary Series
   Downers Grove IL / Inter-Varsity Press

Dictionary of New Testament background (10/14171)
2.001EVA-1   Evans, Ginny / Downers Grove IL / Inter-Varsity Press, 2003

Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels (10/14379)
2.001GRE-1   Marshall, I. Howard / Downers Grove IL / Inter-Varsity Press, 2004

New dictionary of theology : [a concise & authoritative resource] (10/14115)
2.001FER-1   Packer, James Innell / Downers Grove IL / Inter-Varsity Press, 2005

Dictionary of Paul and his letters (10/14203)
2.001HAW-1   Reid, Daniel G. / Downers Grove IL / Inter-Varsity Press, 2004

Christ the liberator (85/14056)
6.1STO-1   Stott, John R. W. / Downers Grove IL / Inter-Varsity, 1971

Managing our work (87/16230)
5.61ALE-1   Alexander, John Wesley / Downers Grove IL / Inter-Varsity Press, 1975

Christianity and comparative religion (84/12586)
9.1AND-1   Anderson, James Norman Dalrymple / Downers Grove IL / Inter-Varsity Press, 1971

Romans: a letter to non-conformists (85/13987)
5.68BAY-1   Baylis, Robert H. / Downers Grove IL / Inter-Varsity Press, 1972

The temple and the church's mission : a biblical theology of the dwelling place of God (12/26201)
2.522BEA-1   Beale, Gregory K. / Downers Grove IL / Inter-Varsity, 2004

In the beginning : the opening chapters of Genesis (12/25645)
2.122BLO-1   Blocher, Henri / Downers Grove IL / Inter-Varsity, 1984

The souvereign God (84/12397)
3.11BOI-1   Boice, James Montgomery / Downers Grove IL / Inter-Varsity Press, 1978

The meaning of the millennium : four views (81/9469)
3.6CLO-1   Clouse, Robert G. / Downers Grove IL / Inter-Varsity Press, 1977

Despair : a moment or a way of life? (85/13793)
3.93EVA-1   Evans, Stephen / Downers Grove IL / Inter-Varsity Press, 1971

Myths about missions (85/14023)
6.1FEN-1   Fenton, Horace L. / Downers Grove IL / Inter-Varsity, 1973

Contextualization in the New Testament : patterns for Theology and Mission (13/26335)
6.1FLE-2   Flemming, Dean / Downers Grove IL / IVP Academic, 2005

The scientist and ethical decision (85/13708)
4.15HAT-1   Hatfield, Charles / Downers Grove IL / Inter-Varsity Press, 1973

Fire in the fireplace : contemporary charismatic renewal (84/12278)
8.3CHA-18   Hummel, Charles E. / Downers Grove IL / Inter-Varsity Press, 1978

The scientific enterprise and Christian faith (85/14160)
3.92JEE-1   Jeeves, Malcolm A. / Downers Grove IL / Inter-Varsity Press, 1969

An Introduction to the Theology of religions : biblical, historical and contemporary perspectives (09/24293)
9.1KÄR-1   Kärkkäinen, Veli-Matti / Downers Grove IL / IVP Academic, 2003

Salvation to the ends of the earth : a biblical theology of mission (13/26689)
6.1KÖS-1   Köstenberger, Andreas J. u.a. / Downers Grove IL / Inter-Varsity, 2001

Judge for yourself : a workbook on contemporary challenges to Christian faith (84/12599)
3.91LEW-1   Lewis, Gordon Russell / Downers Grove IL / Inter-Varsity Press, 1974

Young Christians in a hostile World : a bible study guide to the entire book of Acts (85/13942)
5.72LIC-1   Lichtenberger, Ruth / Downers Grove IL / Inter-Varsity Press, 1971

Ephesians (04/23209)
2.6IVP-1   Liefeld, Walter L. / Downers Grove IL / Inter-Varsity Press, 1997

From fear to faith : [studies in the book of Habakkuk - and the problem of history] (71/7911)
2.321LLO-1   Lloyd-Jones, Martyn / Downers Grove IL / Inter-Varsity, 1970

Being human : the nature of spiritual experience (85/13665)
3.3MAC-1   Macaulay, Ranald u.a. / Downers Grove IL / Inter-Varsity Press, 1978

A hymn of Christ : Philippians 2:5-11 in recent interpretation & in the setting of early Christian worship (11/24807)
2.710MAR-1   Martin, Ralph P. / Downers Grove IL / Inter-Varsity, 1997

Revelation (04/23212)
2.6IVP-4   Michaels, J. Ramsey / Downers Grove IL / Inter-Varsity Press, 1997

History & Christianity (84/12572)
3.91MON-1   Montgomery, John Warwick / Downers Grove IL / Inter-Varsity Press, 1965

The Hermeneutical Spiral : a comprehensive introduction to biblical interpretation (12/26193)
2.061OSB-1   Osborne, Grant R. / Downers Grove IL / Inter-Varsity, 1991

Memo for 1976 : some political options (84/12601)
4.12PIP-1   Pippert, Wesley / Downers Grove IL / Inter-Varsity Press, 1974

Genesis in space and time : the flow of biblical history (72/6322)
3.92SCHA-4   Schaeffer, Francis A. / Downers Grove IL / Inter-Varsity, 1972

No little people : sixteen sermons for the twenthieth century (82/10680)
4.22SCHA-2   Schaeffer, Francis A. / Downers Grove IL / Inter-Varsity, 1974

The church at the end of the 20th century (84/12604)
3.93SCHA-1   Schaeffer, Francis A. / Downers Grove IL / Inter-Varsity Press, 1970

Early christian mission : Jesus and the twelve ; Volume I (13/26256)
6.1SCHN-2.1   Schnabel, Eckhard J. / Downers Grove IL / Inter-Varsity, 2004

Early christian mission : Paul and the Early Church ; Volume II (14/26920)
6.1SCHN-2.2   Schnabel, Eckhard J. / Downers Grove IL / Inter-Varsity, 2004

Winter Past (85/13953)
5.34SMI-1   Smith, Nancy Anne / Downers Grove IL / Inter-Varsity Press, 1978

Knowing Scripture (78/7502)
2.061SPR-1   Sproul, Robert Charles / Downers Grove IL / Inter-Varsity Press, 1977

Hebrews (04/23210)
2.6IVP-2   Stedman, Ray C. / Downers Grove IL / Inter-Varsity Press, 1992

How to understand your Bible (85/13960)
5.67STE-1   Sterrett, T. Norton / Downers Grove IL / Inter-Varsity Press, 1974

James (04/23211)
2.6IVP-3   Stulac, George M. / Downers Grove IL / Inter-Varsity Press, 1993

A contextual approach Paul & the law (12/26237)
2.522THI-4   Thielman, Frank / Downers Grove IL / Inter-Varsity, 1994

How to think about evolution & other Bible-science controversies (84/12276)
3.92THU-1   Thurman, Duane / Downers Grove IL / Inter-Varsity Press, 1978

A gracious and compassionate God : mission, salvation and spirituality in the book of Jonah (12/25916)
2.122TIM-1   Timmer, Daniel C. / Downers Grove IL / Inter-Varsity, 2011

The IVP Bible background commentary : Genesis-Deuteronomy (12/25786)
2.301WAL-1   Walton, John H. u.a. / Downers Grove IL / Inter-Varsity, 1997

Revolution in Rom (85/13735)
8.21WEL-1   Wells, David F. / Downers Grove IL / Inter-Varsity Press, 1972

The fight : to know God's word to share the faith, to communicate with God, to know God's will (85/14091)
4.22WHI-2   White, John / Downers Grove IL / Inter-Varsity, 1978

Old Testament ethics for the people of God (06/23401a)
2.122WRI-1   Wright, Christopher J. H. / Downers Grove IL / Inter-Varsity Press, 2004

Old Testament ethics for the people of God (06/23401)
2.122WRI-1+1   Wright, Christopher J. H. / Downers Grove IL / Inter-Varsity Press, 2004

The mission of God : unlocking the Bible's grand narrative (11/24771)
6.1WRI-1   Wright, Christopher J. H. / Downers Grove IL / IVP Academic, 2006